Season 2, Episode 81 | Daniel Hall’s Story
May 25, 2021
Season 2, Episode 81 | Daniel Hall’s Story

Daniel Hall was a boy whose mother had brain cancer and his father couldn’t take care of the 5 kids. His 2 brothers and himself were sent to an abusive foster home where he was beaten, starved and terrified of the situation but didn’t know how to get out of it. He was lucky enough to be adopted but unfortunately his brothers aged out of the system.
By age 13, Dan was teaching college grads how to write software in a small Vermont town. Dan also teaches foster parents how it is to be in the system. He met his older brother who graduated from high school when he was 16 and became best friends until he passed away.
Statistics say only 54% of children in foster care graduate from high school.
Knowing about baggage, Rob explains how it feels to finally have a forever family and no matter what kind of baggage adopted kids come with, the love that parents have in their heart is what makes it all worth it. Daniel is showing his kids that no matter how hard it is, it is not a failure and he is always there for them. His and his wife’s goal is to teach the kids to be always there for each other after they are gone.
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