Season 2, Episode 72 | Caroline Boudreaux, Miracle Foundation
March 23, 2021
Season 2, Episode 72 | Caroline Boudreaux, Miracle Foundation

Rob chats with Caroline Boudreaux from Miracle Foundation and what an impact they have made around the world.
Caroline recaps her trip to India that inspired the start of the Miracle Foundation. Her story includes an emotional recap of holding children in villages on Mother’s day.
They discuss the topic of OPC “Other People’s Children” and how everyone needs to realize every child matters. “It’s not where they lay their head, It’s if they have a place to lay their head on.” – Rob Scheer
Caroline shares background on how she helped raise the care in 300 orphanages. “The minute a child enters the system, the damage it’s already done.” – Caroline Boudreaux
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